OFF COURT: Planning & Organizing Group Lessons
SECTION 1: Feeding Skills
SECTION 2: Warm-Up Activities (8)
SECTION 3: Serve & Return Drills (6)
SECTION 4: Baseline Drills (8)
SECTION 5: Net & Transition Drills (6)
SECTION 6: Passing shot & Lob Drills (4)
SECTION 7: Large Group Drills (6)
SECTION 8: Point Play within a Group Lesson (6)
SECTION 9: Setting Up Competitions (4)
SECTION 10: 10 & Under Drills (needed?)

2. Who this is for (Target audience)

The target audience for this workshop is anyone that teaches group tennis lessons or practices.

This will include newer coaches as well as veteran coaches who want to add more drills to their arsenal and improve their group lesson delivery.

This may include teaching professionals, high school and college coaches, or recreational coaches.

The content will be suitable for anyone teaching group tennis classes for all skill levels.