OFF COURT: Planning & Organizing Group Lessons
SECTION 1: Feeding Skills
SECTION 2: Warm-Up Activities (8)
SECTION 3: Serve & Return Drills (6)
SECTION 4: Baseline Drills (8)
SECTION 5: Net & Transition Drills (6)
SECTION 6: Passing shot & Lob Drills (4)
SECTION 7: Large Group Drills (6)
SECTION 8: Point Play within a Group Lesson (6)
SECTION 9: Setting Up Competitions (4)
SECTION 10: 10 & Under Drills (needed?)

5. How it Works

The end goal is for attendees to earn a certificate in Group Drill Mastery. This does not mean that you are getting "certified" or that this is a certification course. Rather you have passed the necessary requirements to earn a certificate in Group Lesson Mastery.

There are three major parts to earning your certificate, which are:


PART 1: PRE-WORK... This is all done online and will be assigned to people 2 attendees to complete before they come. This will include a series of online courses and drills and assignments that you will complete before arriving at the two-day live Workshop.


PART 2: 2-Day IN-PERSON WORKSHOP...  This is two full days of mostly on-court training where you will take a deep dive into the different types of drills and how to effectively set up group lessons. Attendees will get hands-on experience and use peer teaching to improve their skills in delivering world-class group lessons.


PART 3: POST WORK... After you attend the two-day workshop you will have additional work to complete. This will involve a series of additional online courses as well as videotaping and uploading footage of yourself teaching a group lesson.