Rally Builder Series
1. Welcome & Intro
2. General Principals
3. The Seven Series
4. Download all 32 Exercises
1. Ground Series
1. Ground / Midpoint / No Racket
2. Ground / Midpoint / Further Back
3. Ground / Sideways with Racket
4. Ground / Sideways adding Cones
5. Ground / Continuous with Partner
2. Over the Net Series
1. Midpoint / Close / No Racket
2. Midpoint / Further Back / No Racket
3. Receive Midpoint / Send from Side
4. Receive on Side / Send from Side
5. Receive and Send from Side / Patterns
3. Self Rally Series
1. Lift / Bounce / Trap with Different Zones
2. Lift / Bounce / One Rally / Ball on Strings
3. Self Rally Continuous
4. Self Rally Continuous (thumbs-knuckles)
5. Self Rally in Air / Chop Suey
4. Lobster Series
1. To Self / Lift-Bounce-Trap
2. Over Net / Receive Midpoint / Send from Side
3. Over Net / Receive on Side / Send from Side
4. Over Net / Receive on Side / Lift-Bounce-Send
5. Throw Rally Series
1. Throw Ball Points (cooperative)
2. Throw Ball Points (competitive)
3. Throw Points / Ping Pong Doubles (cooperative)
4. Throw Points / Ping Pong Doubles (competitive)
6. Juggle Rally Series
1. Juggle Rally / Close
2. Juggle Rally / Further Back
3. Juggle Rally / Thumbs & Knuckles
4. Juggle Rally / Three to Each Zone
7. Actual Rally Series
1. Close to Net / Cooperative / Team scoring
2. Baseline / Competitive Rallies / Score is head-to-head
3. Competitive Points (serving) / Score as a Team
4. Competitive Points (serving) / Score is head-to-head
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Rally Builder Series
4. Download all 32 Exercises
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