1. Watch First – Click Here! [UPDATED]
2. New Video Gallery [UPDATED]
3. How to Print Drill Diagrams [UPDATED]
4. Personal Playlists [NEW]
5. Search & Filter Drills [UPDATED]
6. Swipe our Lesson Templates
7. Courses (the Lab) [UPDATED]
8. Strategy Section [UPDATED]
9. Lesson Plans [UPDATED]
10. Deals & Discounts [UPDATED]
11. Rounds Robins & Mixers [UPDATED]
12. Education Credits (PTR & USPTA)
13. Join our Facebook Group
14. Corporate Memberships [UPDATED]
2. Our Methodology
1. The Five Play Situations
2. Depth Zones of the Court
3. Runways of the Court
4. Strike Zones in Tennis
5. Segmented Swing & Swing Speed
3. Other Resources
1. Killer Staff Training Ideas
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4. Personal Playlists [NEW] Onboarding
4. Personal Playlists [NEW]
It's finally here! You can now make
Personal Playlists
for every drill on the site. Imagine creating playlists for each class you teach, like a lesson plan.
This new feature was in development for over a year and is now live on the site.
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