OFF COURT: Planning & Organizing Group Lessons
SECTION 1: Feeding Skills
SECTION 2: Warm-Up Activities (8)
SECTION 3: Serve & Return Drills (6)
SECTION 4: Baseline Drills (8)
SECTION 5: Net & Transition Drills (6)
SECTION 6: Passing shot & Lob Drills (4)
SECTION 7: Large Group Drills (6)
SECTION 8: Point Play within a Group Lesson (6)
SECTION 9: Setting Up Competitions (4)
SECTION 10: 10 & Under Drills (needed?)

About this Section

SECTION 9: Setting Up Competitions

In this on-court section of the workshop, the attendees will learn games and competitions that they can use either during or outside of a group lesson setting.

Attendees will learn how to effectively deploy games that keep players moving, use alternate formats, allow players to play lots of other players, and how to keep it fun, all while teaching players how to play smarter tennis.