OFF COURT: Planning & Organizing Group Lessons
SECTION 1: Feeding Skills
SECTION 2: Warm-Up Activities (8)
SECTION 3: Serve & Return Drills (6)
SECTION 4: Baseline Drills (8)
SECTION 5: Net & Transition Drills (6)
SECTION 6: Passing shot & Lob Drills (4)
SECTION 7: Large Group Drills (6)
SECTION 8: Point Play within a Group Lesson (6)
SECTION 9: Setting Up Competitions (4)
SECTION 10: 10 & Under Drills (needed?)

About this Section

SECTION 10: 10 & Under Drills (needed?)

Still need to determine if we should include a segment on 10 and under drills or if that would be in a different Workshop.

I could always give them some content from my website regarding 10 and under teaching.