OFF COURT: Planning & Organizing Group Lessons
SECTION 1: Feeding Skills
SECTION 2: Warm-Up Activities (8)
SECTION 3: Serve & Return Drills (6)
SECTION 4: Baseline Drills (8)
SECTION 5: Net & Transition Drills (6)
SECTION 6: Passing shot & Lob Drills (4)
SECTION 7: Large Group Drills (6)
SECTION 8: Point Play within a Group Lesson (6)
SECTION 9: Setting Up Competitions (4)
SECTION 10: 10 & Under Drills (needed?)

About this Section

SECTION 1: Feeding Skills

During this 1.5-hour on-court segment, attendees will learn how to feed both dead ball and live ball drills.

Attendees will learn to feed with double and triple rhythms and how to feed in a live ball drill.

They will also learn how to continue to train their feeding skills once they get home, and they will experience some feeding competition so they can adequately assess how they are developing as a feeder.